Stop Coal Exports from Colombia fueling genocide

08 June 2024

Palestinian groups from the Global Energy Embargo for Palestine  welcome Colombia’s decision to suspend coal exports to Israel  

The announcement from the Colombian President comes after months of engagement with the Colombian government from an alliance of Palestinian and Colombian organizations, including coal miners union and indigenous groups as part of global efforts for a comprehensive energy embargo on Israel.

In a statement, a representative of the Coalition said:

“Today’s decision by Colombia to end coal exports to Israel is a clear sign to Israel’s genocidal government that their actions will have consequences, as we witness the Israeli colonial regime perpetrates yet another massacre against our people in Nuseirat camp, resulting in the killing of more than 210 and injuries of more than 800. Colombia’s decision is a tangible way to hold Israel accountable for annihilating the Palestinian people and put a stop to the ongoing genocide.” 

With this move, Colombia has shown it is willing to back up its words of solidarity with concrete action to reign in the Israeli war machine and bring its genocide in Gaza to an end. 

This decision is an example of the strength of international solidarity, and we salute the Colombian trade unions who initiated the call to cease Colombian coal exports to Israel, as well as the indigenous Wayú and Yupka people, who have stood in solidarity with the people of Palestine. 

We urgently call on South Africa, which provides 9% of Israel’s coal, to follow Colombia’s lead and commit to immediately ceasing its coal exports to Israel, as well as all other countries with significant energy exports to immediately consider a ban. 

This decision is a historic first step towards a comprehensive global energy embargo that can both end the genocide, and beyond that, act as a lever of pressure to force Israel to end the colonial occupation and Apartheid regime it practices against the Palestinian people.


Notes and Sources:

Text of the Colombian Government’s Project of Decree Announcing a Suspension of Coal Exports 

Background Information on Colombian Coal Exports

According to data from Kpler, Colombian coal accounted for more than 60% of all coal supplied to Israel in 2023, 90% of which was supplied by global coal giants Glencore and Drummond. Between them, both companies have shipped more than a million tons of Colombian coal to Israel since the beginning of the genocide and earned over US$100 million in revenues.

Israel power grids depend on coal for 22% of its output. The same grid supplies electricity to Israel’s illegal settlements, arms factories as well as infrastructure used by the Israeli military in perpetrating genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.

Statements from Indigenous People in Colombia

In a statement, issued at the end of May (prior to the Colombian government’s decision), a representative of the Yukpa people of northern Colombia connected the demand to cease coal exports with his own people’s struggle for survival:

“Coal sourced from mines owned by Glencore is being extracted at the expense of Indigenous communities, at the expense of my people in Cesar, and exported to a nation implicated in the killing and displacement of innocent civilians in Palestine. Glencore must be held accountable, not only of its human rights violations in Colombia and around the globe, but also for enabling Israel’s genocide in Gaza. The Colombian Government has an opportunity to stop this injustice and it must do so.”

In a video statement, Gerardo Jumi, General Counsel of the National Indigenous Organization of Colombia, called on Colombian President Gustavo Petro to cut trade ties with Israel:

“We are aware and denounce that this coal is sold to Switzerland and subsequently taken to the State of Israel. And we all know that Israel is committing genocide with massacres, exterminations, and killings of the brotherly Palestinian people. That is why we want to remind President Gustavo Petro that he must cut commercial relations involving the exploitation of coal that goes to the Israeli state and subsequently as we already know, is used to exterminate, massacre, and commit genocide against the brotherly people of Palestine.“ (link to the video statement in the notes to editor section)

About the Coalition: 

Global Energy Embargo for Palestine (international coalition aiming to implement an energy embargo on the state of Israel), together with a Swiss Coalition against Glencore, Switzerland-Palestine Federation and many other signatories, are calling for action against Glencore at its annual general meeting.

Organizations in the coalition:

Palestine Institute for public diplomacy, ONIC, Contre-attaque & autonomie, Outrage collectif, Disrupt power, Climatstrike Switzerland, Breakfree Switzerland, Resist Glencore, Le Silure, Debt for climate Switzerland, Colectivo Jaguar, RKK Basel, Tipping Point UK, Collectif Sud Global, Solidarité Vaud, BFS, Fédération Libertaire des Montagnes, Unibas4Palestine, Redher Romandie, Planet over Profit, Instituto Natura Perú, Palästina Komitee Zürich, Tejido Montes Nativos Sin Monocultivos

Corporación Social para la Asesoría y Capacitación comunitaria (COSPACC)

OMER Observatorio de Expansión Minero Energética y Re-existencias, Amar Es Más


[ En Español debajo ]

PRESS RELEASE – 28 May 2024

Palestinian Groups and Activists from around the world call on Colombia to Block coal exports Fueling Israel’s Genocide

Palestinian organizations write to Colombian President Gustavo Petro reiterating demands made by the largest Colombian coal miners union, Sintracarbon, and indigenous communities in Colombia, to cease all coal exports to Israel.

A coalition of organizations from around the world are pushing for a comprehensive energy embargo on Israel, including an end to coal exports from Colombia. The call for a coal export ban comes amidst Israel’s genocidal offensive in Rafah despite stern warnings from numerous states and an order from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to immediately stop the offensive.

As part of these demands, the Palestinian Institute for Public Diplomacy (PIPD) have
written directly to Colombian President Gustavo Petro demanding he take action to end
Colombian coal exports to Israel. According to data from Kpler, Colombian coal accounted for more than 60% of all coal supplied to Israel in 2023, 90% of which was supplied by global coal giants Glencore and Drummond. Between them, both companies have shipped more than a million tons of Colombian coal to Israel since the beginning of the genocide and earned over US$100 million in revenues.

The letter comes on the back of months of engagement by Palestinian groups with Colombian public officials, and public calls from the largest coal miners union in Colombia, Sintracarbon.

In the open letter, published online, the PIPD explain:
“The ongoing genocide, its length and magnitude would not have been possible if the colonizing state of Israel had stopped receiving energy sources allowing it commit one of the most atrocious crimes in history. As President, you and the current Colombian government have an obligation to act in accordance with decisions made by international tribunals and principles of human rights. Governments failing to take action are enabling the annihilation of Palestinians.”

Under President Gustavo Petro, Colombia broke diplomatic relations and announced an
end to the arms trade with the Israeli regime earlier this month. Coal exports from Colombia to Israel amount to just 1% of Colombia’s total exports in terms of economic value; however, for Israel, it is a lifeline for its power grids that depend on coal for 22% of its output. The same grid supplies electricity to Israel’s illegal settlements, arms factories as well as infrastructure used by the Israeli military in perpetrating genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.

One of the key players, the global commodity giant Glencore, is notorious for its role both in Palestinian dispossession as well as grave human rights violations in Colombia itself. Indigenous communities residing close to Cerrejón coal mines in La Guajira and multiple other mines in Cesar have been forcibly displaced and the surrounding areas contaminated. Consequently, these indigenous communities are classified today at imminent risk of extinction.

In a statement, a representative of the Yukpa people of northern Colombia connected
the demand to cease coal exports with his own people’s struggle for survival:
“Coal sourced from mines owned by Glencore is being extracted at the expense of Indigenous communities, at the expense of my people in Cesar, and exported to a nation implicated in the killing and displacement of innocent civilians in Palestine. Glencore must be held accountable, not only of its human rights
violations in Colombia and around the globe, but also for enabling Israel’s genocide in Gaza. The Colombian Government has an opportunity to stop this injustice and it must do so.”

In a video statement, Gerardo Jumi, General Counsel of the National Indigenous Organization of Colombia, called on Colombian President Gustavo Petro to cut trade ties with Israel:
“We are aware and denounce that this coal is sold to Switzerland and subsequently taken to the State of Israel. And we all know that Israel is committing genocide with massacres, exterminations, and killings of the brotherly Palestinian people. That is why we want to remind President Gustavo Petro that he must cut commercial relations involving the exploitation of coal that goes to the Israeli state and subsequently as we already know, is used to exterminate, massacre, and commit genocide against the brotherly people of Palestine.“

Activist groups plan to hold protests against Glencore at its annual general meeting on
the 29th May in Zurich. Protests will also be held across the globe calling Glencore out
on its human rights violations as well as its links to Israel’s ongoing genocide.

– – – – END – – – –

About the Coalition:
The Global Energy Embargo for Palestine (international coalition aiming to implement an
energy embargo on the state of Israel), together with a Swiss Coalition against Glencore, Switzerland-Palestine Federation and many other signatories, are calling for action against Glencore at its annual general meeting.

Organizations in the coalition:
Palestine Institute for public diplomacy, ONIC, Contre-attaque & autonomie, Outrage
collectif, Disrupt power, Climatstrike Switzerland, Breakfree Switzerland, Resist
Glencore, Le Silure, Debt for climate Switzerland, Colectivo Jaguar, RKK Basel, Tipping
Point UK, Collectif Sud Global, Solidarité Vaud, BFS, Fédération Libertaire des
Montagnes, Unibas4Palestine, Redher Romandie, Planet over Profit, Instituto Natura
Perú, Palästina Komitee Zürich, Tejido Montes Nativos Sin Monocultivos
Corporación Social para la Asesoría y Capacitación comunitaria (COSPACC)
OMER Observatorio de Expansión Minero Energética y Re-existencias, Amar Es Más


Grupos y activistas palestinos de todo el mundo piden a Colombia que bloquee las exportaciones de carbón que alimentan el genocidio de Israel

Organizaciones palestinas escriben al presidente colombiano, Gustavo Petro, reiterando las demandas del mayor sindicato colombiano de mineros del carbón, Sintracarbón, y de las comunidades indígenas de Colombia, para que cesen todas las exportaciones de carbón a Israel, como parte de una creciente campaña
mundial contra la complicidad colombiana.

Una coalición de organizaciones de todo el mundo está presionando para que se imponga un embargo energético total a Israel, que incluya el fin de las exportaciones de carbón desde Colombia. El llamamiento a prohibir las exportaciones de carbón se produce en medio de la ofensiva genocida de Israel en Rafah, a pesar de las severas advertencias de numerosos Estados y de la orden de la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) de detener inmediatamente la ofensiva. Como parte de estas demandas, el Instituto Palestino para la Diplomacia Pública (PIPD) ha escrito directamente al presidente colombiano Gustavo Petro exigiéndole que tome medidas para poner fin a las exportaciones de carbón colombiano a Israel. Según datos de Kpler, el carbón colombiano representó más del 60% de todo el carbón suministrado a Israel en 2023, el 90% del cual fue suministrado por los gigantes mundiales del carbón Glencore y Drummond. Entre ambas empresas han enviado más de un millón de toneladas de carbón colombiano a Israel desde el comienzo del genocidio y han obtenido unos ingresos de más de 100 millones de dólares. La carta llega tras meses de contactos de grupos palestinos con funcionarios públicos colombianos y de llamamientos públicos del mayor sindicato de mineros del carbón de Colombia, Sintracarbón.

En la carta abierta, publicada en línea, el PIPD explica:
“El genocidio en curso, su duración y magnitud no hubieran sido posibles si el Estado colonizador de Israel hubiera dejado de recibir fuentes de energía que le permitieran cometer uno de los crímenes más atroces de la historia. Como Presidente, usted y el actual gobierno colombiano tienen la obligación de actuar de acuerdo con las decisiones de los tribunales internacionales y los principios de los derechos humanos. Los gobiernos que no actúan están permitiendo la aniquilación de los palestinos”.

Bajo la presidencia de Gustavo Petro, Colombia rompió relaciones diplomáticas y anunció el fin del comercio de armas con el régimen israelí a principios de este mes. Las exportaciones de carbón de Colombia a Israel suponen sólo el 1% del total de las exportaciones colombianas en términos de valor económico; sin embargo, para Israel es un salvavidas para sus redes eléctricas, que dependen del carbón para el 22% de su
producción. La misma red suministra electricidad a los asentamientos ilegales de Israel,
a las fábricas de armas y a la infraestructura utilizada por el ejército israelí para perpetrar
el genocidio contra los palestinos en Gaza. Uno de los principales actores, el gigante mundial de las materias primas Glencore, es conocido por su papel tanto en el despojo de palestinos como en graves violaciones de
los derechos humanos en la propia Colombia. Las comunidades indígenas que residen cerca de las minas de carbón del Cerrejón, en La Guajira, y de otras muchas minas del Cesar, han sido desplazadas a la fuerza y las zonas circundantes contaminadas. En consecuencia, estas comunidades indígenas están clasificadas hoy en riesgo inminente de extinción.

En una declaración, un representante del pueblo yukpa del norte de Colombia relacionó la exigencia de cesar las exportaciones de carbón con la lucha de su propio pueblo por la supervivencia:
“El carbón procedente de las minas propiedad de Glencore se extrae a expensas de las comunidades indígenas, a expensas de mi pueblo en el Cesar, y se exporta a una nación implicada en la matanza y el desplazamiento de civiles inocentes en Palestina. Glencore debe rendir cuentas, no sólo por sus
violaciones de derechos humanos en Colombia y en todo el mundo, sino también por permitir el genocidio de Israel en Gaza. El Gobierno colombiano tiene la oportunidad de detener esta injusticia y debe hacerlo”.

En un comunicado grabado en vídeo, Gerardo Jumi, consejero general de la Organización Nacional Indígena de Colombia, pidió al presidente colombiano, Gustavo Petro, que cortara los lazos comerciales con Israel:

“Sabemos y denunciamos que este carbón es vendido a Suiza y posteriormente llevado al Estado de Israel. Y todos sabemos que Israel está cometiendo un genocidio con masacres, exterminios y asesinatos del hermano pueblo palestino. Por eso queremos recordarle al presidente Gustavo Petro que debe cortar las relaciones comerciales que tienen que ver con la explotación del carbón que va al Estado de Israel y que posteriormente como ya sabemos, es utilizado para exterminar, masacrar y cometer genocidio contra el hermano pueblo de Palestina.”

Grupos de activistas tienen previsto protestar contra Glencore en su asamblea general
anual, que se celebrará el 29 de mayo en Zúrich. También se celebrarán protestas en
todo el mundo para denunciar a Glencore por sus violaciones de los derechos humanos
y sus vínculos con el genocidio israelí.

– – – FIN – – – –

Acerca de la Coalición:
Global Energy Embargo for Palestine (coalición internacional cuyo objetivo es aplicar un embargo energético al Estado de Israel), junto con una Coalición Suiza contra Glencore, la Federación Suiza-Palestina y muchos otros signatarios, piden que se tomen medidas contra Glencore en su asamblea general anual.
Organizaciones de la coalición: Instituto Palestino de Diplomacia Pública, ONIC, Contre-attaque & autonomie, Outrage collectif, Disrupt power, Climatstrike Switzerland, Breakfree Switzerland, Resist
Glencore, Le Silure, Debt for climate Switzerland, Colectivo Jaguar, RKK Basel, Tipping Point UK, Collectif Sud Global, Solidarité Vaud, BFS, Fédération Libertaire des Montagnes, Unibas4Palestine. Redher Romandie, Planet over Profit, Instituto Natura Perú, Palästina Komitee Zürich, Tejido Montes Nativos Sin Monocultivos Corporación Social para la Asesoría y Capacitación comunitaria (COSPACC) OMER Observatorio de Expansión Minero Energética y Re-existencias, Amar Es Más